

Leonardo Santana

Lawyer, graduated in Law from State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ in 2012, with a specialization in Criminology, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law from Candido Mendes University. Holder of certifications in Compliance from the Brazilian Compliance Institute, and in Copyright (CopyrightX) from Harvard University in partnership with ITS Rio. With 12 years’ experience in the criminal area, especially focusing on business activities.

He works in Enforcement Department, and his expertise includes criminal measures in the area of intellectual property, conducting searches and seizures of counterfeit, smuggled or misappropriated goods with the authorities, coordinating complex investigations, Due Diligence, OSINT and fraud prevention. Member of INTA, ABPI, IBCCRIM and the OAB/RJ Criminal Law Commission.

Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

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